मूल नाम : Percy Bysshe Shelley
जन्म : 4 अगस्त 1792, होर्शैम, इंग्लैंडभाषा : अंग्रेजीविधाएँ : उपन्यास, कविता, निबंधमुख्य कृतियाँ
The Wandering Jew, Zastrozz, Original Poetry by Victor and Cazire, ‘St. Irvyne; or The Rosicrucian’, The Necessity of Atheism, The Devil's Walk: A Ballad, Queen Mab: A Philosophical Poem, Refutation of Deism: In a Dialogue, ‘Alastor, or The Spirit of Solitude’, The Daemon of the World, Mont Blanc, Hymn to Intellectual Beauty, The Cenci, The Masque of Anarchy, Men of England, England in 1819, A Philosophical View of Reform, Julian and Maddalo: A Conversation, Prometheus Unbound, To a Skylark, The Cloud, The Witch of Atlas, Adonaïs, Ion, A Defence of Poetry Epipsychidion, Hellas, The Triumph of Life, ‘The Assassins, A Fragment of a Romance’
8 जुलाई 1822, वियारेजियो, इटली